About us

Our operations

The Finnish SUP Producer Group Ltd is a producer responsibility organization established in 2022, playing its part in the implementation of the SUP Directive in Finland. We are a producer organization in accordance with the Waste Decree and the Government Decision, handling producer responsibility obligations on behalf of companies registered with it.

Our operations are non-profit. We do not engage in waste transport activities or in trade of SUP products. Our operations are funded through producer responsibility fees. Producers do not subsidize each other; each producer pays only their own share. The fees are based on the volumes placed on the market by the producer.

Producer Group's tasks

The purpose, tasks and responsibilities of the Finnish SUP Producer Group Ltd are based on legislation. The statutory purpose is to fulfill producer responsibility on behalf of affiliated producers.

In the SUP Directive, there are two types of producer responsibility

Traditional producer responsibility

Manufacturers and importers of the product are obligated to arrange for the waste management of discarded products and bear the resulting costs.
→ covers: fishing gear containing plastic

New cleaning cost responsibility

Manufacturers and importers are obliged to pay municipalities for the costs associated with preventing littering caused by their products, as well as the expenses related to cleaning up litter → covers: disposable food packaging containing plastic, wet wipes and balloons, as well as filtered cigarettes and cigarette filters.

The Producer Group manages producer responsibility obligations in the following manner:

  1. The Producer Group makes membership agreements with all producers, through which producers transfer their producer responsibility to the producer community.

      2. The Producer Group organizes itself or procures, to the necessary extent, external services from the market, whether provided by private or public entities.

      3. The Producer Group establishes necessary contracts with service providers, handles payments, monitors operations and provides information.

      4. The Producer Group maintains a public membership register, invoices members in accordance with decisions made by the producer group's management board and handles all producer responsibilities on behalf of its members.

      5. The Producer Group aggregates the information on products placed on the market according to the regulation (collection amounts, processed quantities, processing methods) and reports them annually to the authorities.

List of members of the Producer Group

CompanyBusiness IDProducts
Ab Scandi Net Oy2221286-4Fishing gear
Balloon House Oy1454395-4Balloons
Berner Oy0107011-5Wet wipes
Björkö Telnfabrik Ab0313332‐7Fishing gear
British American Tobacco Denmark A/S 3176464-4Tobacco products
Broman Logistics Oy2321323-6Fishing gear
Catch With Care AB2734541-2Fishing gear
Confetti Oy2309658-6Balloons
Daiwa Sports Ltd, Suomen sivuliike2525715-2Fishing gear
Dida Kalastustarvike Oy1509283-3Fishing gear
Eumer Finland Oy2113834-0Fishing gear
Finlandia-uistin Oy0145188-2Fishing gear
Fladen Fishing ABSE556214601801Fishing gear
Flyventures Oy3177163-3Fishing gear
Google Commerce LimitedIE512080Wet wipes
Havanna Aitta Oy0591884-9Tobacco products
HK Varma Oy1723665-0Fishing gear
Ilmapallokeskus Balloon Center Oy0860817-6Balloons
Imperial Brands Finland Oy1508393-7Tobacco products
JAMA-Fishing Oy2749235-9Fishing gear
JD Sports Fashion Finland Oy2866370-3Wet wipes
Joe's Fishing Oy2695050-6Fishing gear
JP-Verkko1113720-5Fishing gear
Jula Finland Oy3237192-2Fishing gear
Kalastuskolmio Oy0621473-9Fishing gear
Kärkkäinen Oy0865108-6Fishing gear
Kesko Oyj0109862-8Wet wipes
Kivikangas Oy0451038-2Fishing gear
Korkiakosken Uistin Oy1906266-6Fishing gear
Krakenia Oy2286557-4Fishing gear
Kuusamon Uistin Oy0186320-3Fishing gear
Lidl Suomi Ky1615779-0Fishing gear
Manilla Oy2933137-2Fishing gear
Microbite3017714-9Fishing gear
Mua-Tuote Oy1031083-8Fishing gear
N.S.F. Nordic Sports Finland Oy0971017-2Fishing gear
Nippon Verkko Oy0206035-7Fishing gear
OPM International Oy2537412-1Fishing gear
Orion Oyj1999212-6Wet wipes
Oy Lindeman Ab0146867-6Fishing gear
Oy Nerival Group Ab1593972-3Fishing gear
Oy Valkoinen Risti - Vita Korset Ab0115672-8Wet wipes
Partyland Finland Oy3150294-3Balloons
Philip Morris Finland Oy1884343-6Tobacco products
Procter & Gamble Finland Oy0201606-5Wet wipes
Puuilo Tavaratalot Oy2431081-2Fishing gear
Puuilo Tavaratalot Oy2431081-2Wet wipes
Rapala VMC North Europe Oy0895426-3Fishing gear
Rapala VMC Online Oy0105236-3Fishing gear
Ruoto Oy2517147‐1Fishing gear
Shimano Nordic AB556113-7448Fishing gear
Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta0116323-1Fishing gear
Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta0116323-1Balloons
Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta0116323-1Wet wipes
Suomen Uistin Oy2453431-4Fishing gear
Taerosol Oy0284768-6Wet wipes
Tammer Brands Oy0153634-1Balloons
Tammer Brands Oy0153634-1Wet wipes
Tammer Brands Oy0153634-1Fishing gear
Tiura-Uistin Ky0772133-7Fishing gear
Tmi JIG, Just in Gross1926264-1Fishing gear
Toypap-Import Oy0153955-0Balloons
Tukkunet Oy2425367-8Fishing gear
Tuontirengas Oy2639509-8Fishing gear
Veljekset Keskinen Oy0182811-7Wet wipes
Veljekset Keskinen Oy0182811-7Balloons
Veljekset Keskinen Oy0182811-7Fishing gear
Vision Group Oy2537414-8Fishing gear
Yhtiöt J.Ikonen Oy3334113‐5Fishing gear

Join us

Producer responsibility obligation applies to all companies introducing SUP products to the market. Such companies include manufacturers, importers and remote sellers. 

SUP Tuottajayhteisön Uutiset

Kalastusvälinekeräyspilotti on aloitettu

Suomen SUP-Tuottajayhteisö sai tuottajayhteisöstatuksen kalastusvälineiden osalta

Kalastusvälinetuottajien tuottajavastuu -seminaari 2.10.

Tiedote kalastusvälinetuottajajaoston perustamisesta

Kalastusvälinestandardi ympäristön asialla

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